Showing 19–24 of 40 results

  • The Evolution of CAMBRA

    From: $29.00 Select options

    CAries Management By Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) has changed due to global, social, and technological impacts. The dental provider must embrace this change to be effective in current patient care.

  • Influencing Biofilm Repopulation with Oral Probiotics

    From: $25 sale ends 4/17 Select options

    What are the adjunctive therapies available to help our clients shift from a pathogenic biofilm to a healthier, more balanced biofilm?  How do we meet the challenge of helping our clients prolong and maintain that healthier balance to stop the progression of disease?

  • OSHA, Infection Control/BBP Training & HIPAA

    From: $45.00 Select options

    A mandatory course that enjoys comments such as “I loved this speaker she kept my interest ….. She always makes her topic interesting.”

    Many states require an infection control course, based on the dental setting, once in a license monitoring cycle. The federal government requires an annual OSHA/Infection control class. All members of the Dental Team must be updated on this topic.

  • Medical History Front and Center: Oral Manifestations of Systemic Conditions

    From: $35.00 Select options

    Expand your reasoning as we look at lesions and oral changes, deciphering the systemic conditions they are evidence of.  Hygienists with keen eyes for these lesions/changes and the conditions they are associated with can elevate both patient and employer appreciation.

  • Local Anesthesia, Anesthetics, and Pain Management: What’s New

    From: $30.00 Select options

    As an oral surgeon and physician Dr. Petito discusses the many options clinicians have to make patients more comfortable when undergoing dental treatment. New advancements for local anesthesia, as well as other options for anesthesia and pain management are presented.

  • Herbals in Dentistry

    From: $30.00 Select options

    The use of herbal medicinal products has seen tremendous growth over the past two decades.  It is estimated that over 42% of Americans use some form of herbal supplement.  As your patients are using herbals what do you need to know of their side effects, interactions and implications for the dental treatment plan?

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