Showing 7–12 of 22 results

  • Poor Oral Hygiene and Cognitive Decline

    From: $25 sale ends 4/17 Select options

    Discover the link between oral inflammation and cognitive decline.  Learn of recent scientific findings showing that the periodontal pathogen, p. gingivalis can invade and inflame areas of the brain contributing to disease. 

  • Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility in Dental Healthcare

    From: $30.00 Select options

    This comprehensive course on cultural competence and cultural humility coaches you on how to provide sensitive and effective care to patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Gain the knowledge and tools to enhance your professional relationships and improve patient outcomes.

  • Influencing Biofilm Repopulation with Oral Probiotics

    From: $25 sale ends 4/17 Select options

    What are the adjunctive therapies available to help our clients shift from a pathogenic biofilm to a healthier, more balanced biofilm?  How do we meet the challenge of helping our clients prolong and maintain that healthier balance to stop the progression of disease?

  • Medical History Front and Center: Oral Manifestations of Systemic Conditions

    From: $35.00 Select options

    Expand your reasoning as we look at lesions and oral changes, deciphering the systemic conditions they are evidence of.  Hygienists with keen eyes for these lesions/changes and the conditions they are associated with can elevate both patient and employer appreciation.

  • Herbals in Dentistry

    From: $30.00 Select options

    The use of herbal medicinal products has seen tremendous growth over the past two decades.  It is estimated that over 42% of Americans use some form of herbal supplement.  As your patients are using herbals what do you need to know of their side effects, interactions and implications for the dental treatment plan?

  • Dental Implants…What your Patients Want to Know!

    From: $30.00 Select options

    This course provides an in-depth discussion covering the many aspects of implant dentistry, focused on modern advances and questions your patient may have.

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